Unidade de Sucção Elétrica KD-3090C1

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Unidade de Sucção Elétrica KD-3090C1

Adota uma bomba de êmbolo altamente eficiente que dispensa lubrificação e tem longa vida útil
The suction pump is uni-directional without generating positive pressure,it is designed to have an excess flow protection device to prevent the liquidfrom entering into the suction pumpOThe hand switch and foot switch are connected with each other in a parallelmanner, they can be chosen and used at one’ s will, and the foot switch isfor low-pressure control in order to ensureOMax vacuum:≥0.08MPa(600mmHg)OFlow rate:>18L/min
Frasco de armazenamento: 1000mlx 1

Vácuo máximo:>0,08 MPa (600 mmHg)                                        

 Quociente de vazão:>18L/min                                                            

 Frasco de armazenamento: 1000mlx 1

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